Casino Card Games
According to statistics, cards are one of the most popular affair in the world. In addition to popularity, this is also a very antiquarian way to spend free time.
The first mentions were found in the Chinese manuscripts of the 9th century BC. In Europe cards appeared much later – in the 14th century.
Today there is a huge variety of card sets, but the most common is a set of 52 cards of four suits. There were attempts to enter the fifth suit, but society didn’t accept such innovation.
If we are talking about card games, then it should be noted that their variety is incredibly large.
However, they can still be classified:
- The first and largest group is called gambling games
Apparently, the word “gambling” does not need to be explained. The most popular card games in this category are poker, baccarat, blackjack, and others.
- Games for calculation and ingenuity
These card games not offered in casinos oft-times . Here the importance is played by the player’s smartness and calculation skills. The list of games – whist, screw, preference and others
- The last one – Commercial games (or intelligent)
However, the greatest popularity is accounted for gambling – these games have become recognizable all over the world.
Now, let’s talk more detailed about the most popular card game in the whole world.
Poker is a gorgeous game with a great history. It appeared in Europe more than 500 years ago! However, the first mention of the classic poker, which we know and love, appeared only in 1829.
The main feature is the ability to defeat the opponents in two ways : 1)collect the best card combination. 2) ousting opponents them from the game. Everything is very simple – the combinations are almost identical. There is a trade, during which players need to bet, bluff or fold.
The player’s skills play the most important role. However, everything will depend mainly on success and luck.
In essence, this principle applies not only to poker but also to all other popular gambling card games.